87-year-old Woman Knits Hats

Heads Up! 87-year-old Woman Knits 75 Snuggly Hats for Strangers and the Homeless
With yet another holiday season that has come and gone, we often find ourselves ruminating on the past year’s triumphs – and tribulations. While we serve up small smiles to all of our accomplishments and relish in goals met, we also find ourselves contemplating all those pending New Year’s resolutions and how we can take on the brand-new year using increased intention, mindfulness, positivity, awareness, and advocacy. Contributing in any way or ways – however big or small – for the betterment of humanity is beneficial to everyone. And, to that, we say “hats off” to this inspirational story of selflessness and the steadfast resolve to make a lasting difference no matter the circumstances.
You don’t know her. And, you probably never will. That’s because this 87-year-old Massachusetts woman who selflessly spent countless months knitting over 75 hats so that needy kids and the homeless could stay warm during the blistery, cold New England winter, wished to remain anonymous. Wanting to give back to her community in some way, this enigmatic GoGranny wasn’t sure exactly how she could possibly achieve her altruistic aspirations, since she was unable to engage in proclivities of the active nature, largely due to age.
But, she didn’t let that stop her.

Instead, she brilliantly employed a talent she was able to perform – knitting. And, a lot of it! Not only was knitting warm hats a way to keep her days and nights occupied, but it gave her the opportunity to pay it forward in her own special way. While each hat took approximately a single day to complete, she believes all the hard work is well worth it. “I like doing them. I think it is fun. I just like to stay in the background,” she told Boston 25 News. “…just because it makes me feel good that I can do something for someone.”
After she reached her target of 75 hats, her daughter placed them all in plastic bags and conspicuously hung them alongside a fence in Plymouth’s Nelson Memorial Park. She also continues to donate her specialty handmade headwear to the area’s homeless shelters. “Just these little things would mean so much to someone who doesn’t have anything,” she added.
How can you contribute to your community or give back in a big – or little – way? There’s a common misconception that having ample access to monetary resources is needed to affect change or effectively make a difference. That simply cannot be further from the truth. Take a page from this GoGirl’s humanitarian handbook. All you need is a talent and a little extra time – two things everyone has. The fact that this goodhearted woman wished to remain a mystery is indicative of her selflessness and genuine desire to help those in need. Her inspiring story is a beautiful reminder that we ALL possess unique talents and skills that we can put to use to make a positive and enduring impact on others.